6th Annual WHAT A CHARACTER! Blogathon: Day Two

I’m thrilled to be hosting Day Two of the 2016 What A Character! Blogathon. This is the sixth consecutive year that I co-host this tribute to the lesser known players that enriched so many movies. As you probably know my co-hosts are the fabulous Kellee of Outspoken & Freckled who kicked things off with the Day one posts and Paula of Paula’s Cinema Club who hosts the third and final day tomorrow. As always, I’m honored to be in cahoots with these two ladies.

If you want a refresher on the back story for the What a Character! Blogathon take a look at the Announcement post, which includes the entire list of participants and chosen character actors. Otherwise I’m getting to the main course of this entry, the tributes to memorable supporting players. Here they are…

What a Character!

Silver Scenes discusses the career of Lovable Old Gent Henry Stephenson who could be benevolent and imposing with memorable style.


Forgotten Hollywood spotlights Woody Strode, pioneer actor and former athlete who became an on-screen gladiator and a member of John Ford’s stock company.


The Hitless Wonder discusses Hammer films’ working class presence in the person of Michael Ripper.


Old Hollywood films offers a lovely tribute to one of my favorites, Jimmy Stewart’s favorite on-screen mother, Beulah Bondi.


Wide Screen World advocates for Alan Hale, Sr. as much more than Flynn’s sidekick.


Classic Film Observations & Obsessions has a thing for Good Bad Guy, Brian Donlevy. Jocelyn reviews his biography and interviews its author.


The Old Hollywood Garden says Edward Everett Horton is the Cherry on Top! I believe she’s right.


The Last Drive In focuses on the ordinary guy who can do anything, Martin Balsam aka “The Bronx Barrymore.”


Watching Forever gives us the brilliant Mildred Natwick: A True Character.


Taking Up Room took on the task of Discovering Eve Arden. Mon dieu!


The spotlight is on the entire cast of Romance on the High Seas (1948) at Paula’s Cinema Club who enjoys the lot of characters. And who can blame her?


I will add one or two more entries later today so come back and check often. Otherwise this concludes Day Two of the 2018 What a Character! Blogathon. Be sure to visit Paula’s Cinema Club tomorrow to read the entries for the Third and final day. You won’t regret it. I am once again overwhelmed by the quality of the posts and the care with which these actors are treated as I read the entries for Days 1 and 2. That’s what makes What a Character! such a special event each year and we are forever grateful to each and every one of the bloggers who participate.



15 thoughts

  1. Martin Balsam! So many of my favorite movies feature him (On the Waterfront, 12 Angry Men, Psycho, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Hombre, Little Big Man…). He certainly had great taste in scripts.

  2. Merry Christmas!
    Thank you for all your thoughtful writing and tireless dedication!

    From the desk of Victoria Mature

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