Classic Movie History Project: Day 2 – The Films

Recap of Day 2: The Classic Movie History Project

Silver Screenings

King Kong

It’s been an incredible Day 2 here at the Classic Movie History Project, with remarkable essays on animation history and the production code.

No kidding: If you aspire to be a film history geek, read these entries.

You’re welcome.

The Wizardry of Animation


F for Films: The Animated Films of Winsor McCay

Winsor McCay created Gertie the Dinosaur (1914), along with nine other known animated cartoons. “Though it may be a clichéd turn of phrase, there is no one to whom the statement ‘ahead of his time’ applies better than to McCay in the field of animation,” writes F for Films.

fatal_footsteps_lcWay Too Damn Lazy to Write a Blog: Willis O’Brien Meets Hal Roach – The Way-out Universe of Charley Bowers

Way Too Damn Lazy to Write a Blog celebrates cartoonist, illustrator and special effects designer Charley Bowers: “Bowers became a comedy star in 1926, headlining 2-reelers that successfully…

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