WHAT A CHARACTER! 2015 – Day Two!

This is so exciting Edward Everett Horton is biting his nails!

I’m thrilled to be hosting Day Two of the 2015 What A Character! Blogathon, the fourth installment of an event during which we put aside the stars and focus our efforts on the Hortons of the world.  Paula’s Cinema Club kicked things off yesterday with a terrific list of submissions and I know you can’t wait to read today’s entries, which encompass as fine a lot as I’ve ever hosted. But before you get to them we’d like to thank all the participants for their understanding as we re-scheduled the blogathon from last weekend due to disturbing world events. We really appreciate your patience.

If you want a refresher on the back story for the What a Character! blogathon take a look at the Announcement post, which includes the entire list of participants and chosen actors. Otherwise there’s no need to delay any further…except…to pause for a quick look at Eric Blore…

1935: Eric Blore (1887-1959) as Benson the butler in the film 'Behold My Wife'. Title: Behold My Wife Studio: Paramount Director: Mitchell Leisen (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)


Now it’s my honor and privilege to present…

What a Character! Blogathon – Day Two:

We kick things off today with Silver Screenings who explains how Daffy Duck destroys the Character Actor code of ethics.

Now Voyaging spotlights the life and career of the all-too-oft overlooked Robert Barrat.

Four Star Films discusses Noah Beery, Jr., a slightly pudgy, generally good-natured side kick or victim who became the beloved Rocky on “The Rockford Files.”

Caftan Woman presents an awe-inspiring look at the careers of Harry Carey and Harry Carey, Jr.

Speakeasy discusses Eduardo Ciannelli who made gangsters and cutthroats seem classy and sophisticated.

Phyllis Loves Classic Movies can’t help but focus on scene stealer, Charles Coburn.

Tales of the Easily Distracted takes a look at the prolific and versatile Lloyd Corrigan who could do both comedy and drama with ease.

From Another Old Movie Blog is a look at Jerome Cowan who – “wearing the same suit” – could be smart, or befuddled.  A phony, or helplessly sincere.

Tales From the Border says Dwight Frye still makes an impression 70 years after the fact.

The Last Drive-In spotlights the regal, otherworldliness of consummate actor, Agnes Moorehead – The Lavender Lady.

A Shroud of Thoughts presents “The Man Behind the Curtain,” a look at the marvel-ous career of Frank Morgan.

Old Hollywood Films says “everything is hunky dunky” in this tribute to the beloved SZ ‘Cuddles’ Sakall.

Le Mot du Cinephiliaque discusses Harry Dean Stanton’s contribution to film.

Wide Screen World says Shelley Winters may not be taken all that seriously today, but she had the goods!

Outspoken & Freckled spotlights the always enjoyable Franklin Pangborn whose comedy shines when he’s confronted with mayhem and chaos.

Silver Scenes presents the pompous, but adorable Allyn Joslyn.

LA Explorer  focuses on an MGM staple, the gentle giant Rags Ragland.


Again, a heartfelt thank you to every single one of these outstanding bloggers.  Be sure to visit Kellee at Outspoken & Freckled tomorrow for the last installment and another grand exhibition of What a Character! love.

Whumsical is more Whimsical than Whamsical.”

— Eric Blore (as The waiter) in The Gay Divorcee (1934)


19 thoughts

  1. Fantastic blogathon so far! Just curious, are you putting my post on Day 3? Thanks again for having me as part of the blogathon.

    John V of John V’s Eclectic Avenue

      1. Thanks so much! Didn’t mean to jump the gun! I appreciate your response! Thanks again for having me participate, and kudos to all the great bloggers and entries thus far!

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