Loretta Young 101

A&E’s Biography (1987) said Loretta Young “remains a symbol of beauty, serenity, and grace. But behind the glamor and stardom is a woman of substance whose true beauty lies in her dedication to her family, her faith, and her quest to live life with a purpose.”

She was class personified.  She was a talented actress.  She was voted America’s Sweetheart of the 1930s.  She mastered all mediums of communication.  She would have celebrated her 102nd birthday today.  She was Loretta Young (January 6, 1913 – August 12, 2000) and this is in her honor.

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Of Loretta Marlene Dietrich said: “Every time she ‘sins,’ she builds a church. That’s why there are so many Catholic churches in Hollywood.”

“A pleasant voice, which has to include clear enunciation, is not only attractive to those who hear it… its appeal is permanent.” – Loretta

Greetings from Hollywood, Ladies and Gentlemen.  Click on the following image to listen to the Lux Radio Theater presentation of “The Farmer’s Daughter” starring Loretta and Joseph Cotten


The following image will take you to another Lux presentation, “The Great Lie” with Loretta and George Brent:



In remembrance.

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