Thank you from Once Upon a Screen

This was a special week for Once Upon a Screen as the site passed 100,000 views and published its 200th post with the commentary on Christmas in Connecticut.  Although these are small things in the grand scheme I want to make a formal note of them because they mean something to me.

I’ve stated over and over again that I started this blog for my own enjoyment and that remains true.  Watching classic films, listening to classic radio shows and/or simply looking at images of classic Hollywood and the stars that graced the silver screen in days gone by pose endless hours of entertainment for me.   I just can’t get enough of them.  And sharing my thoughts on all of it has become one of my favorite escapes, much-needed periods of repose from the daily grind.  If not for the support and encouragement of other bloggers, friends I’ve made by way of social media and others however, I’m not sure the time I put into these posts would have been as rewarding or as enjoyable to share.  So to all who stop in regularly, take the time to comment, offer recommendations and who have welcomed this blog so warmly into the classic film blogosphere I say THANK YOU!  With a special note of recognition to the biggest fan of Once Upon a Screen, Chuck!

To show the depth of my gratitude, here’s a gallery of classic Hollywood leading men and other dashing players for your enjoyment.  I hope I included your favorites.

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I end this short but sincere post of gratitude with the words of author, poet and activist, Alice Walker:

“‘Thank you’ is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.”


34 thoughts

  1. What a fantastic post. Everything here is exactly what Once Upon A Screen is. Not just to you, the girl who sees exactly what I want/need as you write, but to your reader too. I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed this blog, Aurora. Now, I’m happy to share it (and the iPad) with Hubby, his friends, and most of all, Chuck!! 🙂 He hugs this background! Is that approval or what?

    Anyway, congratulations on a terrific week, and thank you. The blog is enjoyable, but it’s also helped me more than you know.

    Chuck sends smooches!

    1. Sheesh, Sarah! You made me misty. I can’t tell you what your encouragement and enthusiasm for this blog has meant to me. Then Chuck’s love just validated everything many times over.

      You’re a gem!


  2. Congratulations, Aurora! You certainly deserve this, one of the best classic film blogs I’ve had the pleasure to read. Your love for the classics really shows, and for me that’s the more important thing.

    I hope to see you reach 100,000 more!

      1. Congratulations on achieving 100,000 views publishing your 200th post, Aurora! It seems like just yesterday you were starting out, and look how far you’ve come; I’m so thrilled and proud of you! Who says the first 200 posts are the hardest? 🙂 Congratulations, my friend, and keep those wonderful posts coming!

        1. Thanks so much, Dorian! You’re just SWELL (in classic movie speak) 😉 Time has, indeed, flown by. I so appreciate you stopping in and commenting!


  3. Congratulations Kiddoe on a very sacred accomplishment. Your thoughts and post are refreshing, thoughtful and entertaining. You bring a special kind of class to the film blogasphere. So I say keep going … we need more of you!!!-your pal Joey-PS we should grab a diner sit down one of these days for sure!

  4. Congrats, Aurora, that’s wonderful!! Have so enjoyed getting to know you both on your blog and in person!

    Till we meet again —

    Best wishes,

    1. You’re just fabulous, Laura. Same goes for me and can’t wait to spend some time loving the classics together this coming April.

      Thank you,


  5. Congratulations, Aurora! I learn something new about classic film every time you post. Your thoughts are always insightful, and I’m so glad you enjoy sharing them because I certainly enjoy reading them. Thank you!

  6. Congrats, I raise a glass of [your favorite here] to you! Blogging is most fun when you get to “meet” like minded folks and hear all the different takes on movies. Love reading your stuff, keep up the great work for 200×200 more 🙂

      1. LOL! I think that makes a total of two of you that account for all of the views!

        That Errol post – hafta admit I visit those images now and again myself!!


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